Today is Candlemas in France and this day is celebrated with crepes.
Therefore, here you have my receip for preparing nice crepes gluten free. The proportion will give you 10 crepes more or less.
100g gluten free flour
2 eggs
5g sugar vanilla flavoured
5g baker powder
125ml milk
Mix all the ingredients in the order they appear. Milk must be added little by little to avoid lumps.
Then leave it aside for 2 hours at room temperature before using it. If the dough is very thick and doesn't you make thin crepes (the thinner the better) then add water, not milk. You can also in the preparation replace half of the milk by water.
In a pan, add 1/2 spoon of oil and sprea it. Add some dough and frie it for approx 1 minute. Then turn the crepe upside down and frie it for half minute. The pan must be at all time very hot to ensure the crepe doesn't stick to it. The first crepe is normally wrong and thick and help you find out how much water you have to add to the dough to get thin crepes.
You can serve the crepes with chocolate sauce (cooking chocolate that you melt just before spreading over) some marmelade or just caster suger.
Enjoy !
Ajourd'hui c'est la Chandeleur et les crêpes sont incontournables.
Voici une recette pour faire environ 10 crèpes sans gluten.
100g farine sans gluten
125 ml lait
2 oeuf
5 g de sucre vanillé
5g de levure de boulanger
Mélanger tous les ingrédients dans l'ordre. Ajouter le lait doucement pour ne pas faire de grumeaux. Laisser reposer la pâte à température ambiante pendant 2 heures avant utilisation.
Faites cuire une louche de pâte dans une poêle 1 min., retournez la et laisser une 1/2 minute. La première crèpe est toujours trop épaisse mais cela vous permet de doser l'eau à ajouter pour obtenir de fines crèpes.
A accompagner de sauce chocolat, confirture ou seimplement un peu de sucre en poudre.
Bon appétit !
Therefore, here you have my receip for preparing nice crepes gluten free. The proportion will give you 10 crepes more or less.
100g gluten free flour
2 eggs
5g sugar vanilla flavoured
5g baker powder
125ml milk
Mix all the ingredients in the order they appear. Milk must be added little by little to avoid lumps.
Then leave it aside for 2 hours at room temperature before using it. If the dough is very thick and doesn't you make thin crepes (the thinner the better) then add water, not milk. You can also in the preparation replace half of the milk by water.
In a pan, add 1/2 spoon of oil and sprea it. Add some dough and frie it for approx 1 minute. Then turn the crepe upside down and frie it for half minute. The pan must be at all time very hot to ensure the crepe doesn't stick to it. The first crepe is normally wrong and thick and help you find out how much water you have to add to the dough to get thin crepes.
You can serve the crepes with chocolate sauce (cooking chocolate that you melt just before spreading over) some marmelade or just caster suger.
Enjoy !
Ajourd'hui c'est la Chandeleur et les crêpes sont incontournables.
Voici une recette pour faire environ 10 crèpes sans gluten.
100g farine sans gluten
125 ml lait
2 oeuf
5 g de sucre vanillé
5g de levure de boulanger
Mélanger tous les ingrédients dans l'ordre. Ajouter le lait doucement pour ne pas faire de grumeaux. Laisser reposer la pâte à température ambiante pendant 2 heures avant utilisation.
Faites cuire une louche de pâte dans une poêle 1 min., retournez la et laisser une 1/2 minute. La première crèpe est toujours trop épaisse mais cela vous permet de doser l'eau à ajouter pour obtenir de fines crèpes.
A accompagner de sauce chocolat, confirture ou seimplement un peu de sucre en poudre.
Bon appétit !
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